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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tell Me Why (part 3)

This is the final part of Tell Me Why, inspired by the same events as the last three. Written, again, a couple of days after the last one.

You did it.
You asked me.
You said the words.

Keeping it a secret
For now.
Everyone is going to find out anyway.
But I made you promise
It didn't have to be a secret
Before I said yes.

And it's gonna work.
I know it is -
Because it's me;
Because it's you;
Because it's us together.

Tell Me Why (part 2)

Inspired by the same events that inspired Tell Me Why (part 1). I wrote this a few days after the last one.

Yeah, ok
I like you.
But she's my friend.
You don't have to
Break her heart.

'Secret' relationships
Never work.
Can't you see?

They said he's only gonna
Break break your
Break break your heart -
And I guess they were right.
You didn't even try.

Tell Me Why (part 1)

I wrote this at the start of last year. It was just a way of me getting my feelings out about something that was happening, so it's inspired by my life.

Why her?
Why not me?
What makes her so special?
Tell me why.

All those texts -
Were they lies?
Everyone saying
You were talking about me
All day.
Did they lie?
Or were you
Lying then too?
Tell me why.

The hugs
The laughs
The smiles:
What were they for?
Tell me why.

Can't you feel it too?
The electric touch
When you brush past;
The longing
When you're not there.
Tell me why.

Ok, yeah, I'll admit
She knows you better,
For longer too.
But maybe. . .
Don't you believe
In love at first sight?
I do now.
Tell me why.

Unfinished Poem One

Wink wink
Smile smile
Brush past
Stop a while.

Whisper whisper
Snatched words.
Quiet quiet
No one heard.

Although you know it's never going to happen.
Although you know it's just not meant to be.
You dare to hope
And dream and hope.

[To be continued]

Not sure how I want to end this one... So I'm just going to leave it like this for now.


Wrote this a year or two ago, but never really finished it. I think I wrote it around a time when I was feeling particularly isolated from the people around me.


Trying too hard.
Always wrong.

Trying to stay afloat.

Getting sucked down
Into the whirlpool of

The Seal

This is a poem I wrote four years ago, with my friend Hazel. We were told to write a poem about winter, and I was inspired by a David Attenborough documentary I had seen recently.

The poor seal,
Trapped under the ice.
To survive,
He will have to fight for his life.

His tusks worn down
From scraping to survive.
Next summer,
He may not even be alive.

A few weeks later
He cannot even fight.
He takes his last breath,
His last breath of life.

Without his scraping
The ice closes down.
As for his,
It may never be found.